
Showing posts from June, 2021

  TRADEMARK OFFICE STARTS INCLUDING QR CODES ON REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES; INTENDS TO PHASE OUT PAPER CERTIFICATES By  sladlaw   Posted  February 18, 2020   In  Intellectual Property ,  Law Blog ,  Patents and Trademarks   0  0 As of December 24, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office began including quick response codes (“QR codes”) on printed trademark registration certificates. QR codes are essentially two-dimensional barcodes that can be read using an imaging device, like a smartphone camera (paired with an appropriate app). Scanning a QR code on a trademark registration certificate allows the scanner to open a digital version of the certificate online through the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (“TSDR”) system. This allows you to verify that the information on the print version of the certificate is the same as the information posted by the Trademark Office online in the TSDR system. The QR codes are also “a ste...